Methods for Managing Your To-Do List on a Higher Level
Each and every person has their own method of dealing with the tasks on their never-ending to-do list.
The majority of people keep a mental log, but others utilize apps, and many scrawl it on their planners. Some even scribble it on their arm with a Sharpie, à la Andy from "Parks & Recreation."

In order to increase productivity (especially for those of you who fall into the latter type), it is necessary to ramp up your to-do list. Whatever your favorite mode of communication, here are some pointers for keeping track of your work.
For those who are adamant about using a pen and paper only.

The importance of a task against the urgency of a task

This strategy is for you if you feel like you're drowning in tasks and aren't sure which ones to start with first. Create a 22 grid and title the top "Urgency" and the side "Importance" before filling in the blanks with your jobs. All important and urgent tasks are placed in the upper left corner, while tasks that are urgent but not important are placed on the upper right. Important but not urgent tasks are placed on the lower left, and tasks that were neither important nor urgent but were both placed on the lower left are placed on the lower right.

This strategy provides a visual map of your top and lowest priority chores, assisting you in determining which ones should be completed immediately and which ones may be put off until later (for a little bit).

Make Use of Multiple Lists

The most straightforward method of categorizing your to-do list is by location. Because you can't do errands while in class, perform chores while at work, or do homework while running errands, why put everything in the same column?
Additionally, a list that contains both five-minute activities and multiweek projects will result in one or both of the jobs or projects falling through the cracks. There are two options for dealing with this. One method is to create a main to-do list as well as an auxiliary list that contains quick activities that can be completed whenever you have a few minutes to spare on your hands. Having a task list for each big project you're working on and including subtasks into your daily to-do list are two more strategies to consider (e.g. do dishes, call grandma, history ch. 5, split up group project slides).
Take Your Checklist With You (s)

College students are notoriously disorganized, and our to-do lists should reflect this. Even if you have a to-do list scrawled on the back of your bathroom mirror, it will not be of much use to you when you have some spare time while out and about.
A calendar, pocket notebook, or mobile device (see below) are all excellent options for keeping track of your to-do list. If you have many lists, you might use index cards for each category if you have multiple lists.

For those who are addicted to technology

Locate the Most Appropriate App

Wunderlist is a fantastic tool. KanbanFlow is a project management tool that allows you to manage complex projects with several personnel. ColorNote is searchable and user-friendly to operate. 3 Wins will give you a confetti-filled celebration.
Carry out some research to find a reliable app that will meet your requirements. If you're looking for a simple, straightforward to-do manager, Lifehacker has compiled a "Top 5" list based on ratings from readers.

Take a Cross-Platform Approach

In 2016, practically every software will be compatible with Apple, Android, Windows, and Chrome; nevertheless, if you work on many platforms and your to-do app does not, it may be worthwhile to switch.

For the Occasional List Maker, there are a variety of options.

Contextual Reminders can be set up.

Some people require a written record of everything they do. Another group of people has good enough memories and/or predictable schedules that they don't need to carry a to-do list around with them everywhere they go. We all need to be reminded of something every now and again, and context reminders are a great way to do just that.

In the case of your phone, a context reminder could take the shape of a location or time alarm. If you want to be more creative, you can post your reminder anywhere it will remind you at the most appropriate time. This might be scrawled on your tummy (as a reminder to workout before bathing), a post-it in your notes (ask a professor about...), or a binder clip on your keys (don't forget to bring your presentation materials!)

Protect Your Notes Using Encryption

While writing on your hand is an option if you don't want the entire world to know what you're thinking about forgetting, using a doodle or keyword (rather than the entire task) can be easier to wash off afterwards and more inconspicuous in the interim.
Tanya Turner Life
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Tanya's purpose is to serve as a catalyst in empowering people to live their best lives, beginning right now, no matter what. She provides you with useful materials and techniques that are focused on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being, as well as your overall health and welfare.